4 hours ago Kamal Rashid Khan, who considers himself a film critic, has been sent by the Borivali Court to 14-day judicial proceedings on Tuesday. In a 2-year-old case, Kamal was arrested by the Mumbai Police from the airport. After this he was produced in the court. The police arrested him for a controversial tweet made in 2020. Kamal has returned to Mumbai after 2 years. Kamal Khan has an old relationship with controversies. He is always in the news due to his controversial statements. KRK is very active on social media. His followers are also no less than any celebs. He also has a YouTube channel, where he gives reviews of films. The life of Kamal Khan, who is always in the headlines, is also very interesting. Let’s have a look at the facts related to his life- Career started as a producer Kamal Rashid Khan was born on 1 January 1975 in Uttar Pradesh. His real name is Rashid Khan but later he added Kamal himself in front of the name. According to reports, KRK came to Mumbai...
It has been reported that WhatsApp is already rewarding its users with Rs 51 cashback for using its payments feature HIGHLIGHTSWhatsApp was spotted testing cashback on its payment feature a couple of weeks ago.WhatsApp has started offering cash backs for its UPI-based payments.The report starts that the feature is being rolled out to beta users on Android platforms. WhatsApp was spotted testing cashback on its payment feature a couple of weeks ago. Now it has been reported that WhatsApp is already rewarding its users with Rs 51 cashback for using its payments feature. WhatsApp has rolled out the feature at a time when payments app like PhonePe is charging processing fees for mobile recharges. As per Business Insider report, WhatsApp has started offering cash backs for its UPI-based payments. The report starts that the feature is being rolled out to beta users on Android platforms. Users are getting a guaranteed cashback to users using the payments feature to send money to different...
Famous comedian Raju Srivastava (Raju Srivastav Death) today i.e. on 21st September 2022 lost the battle going on for 42 days. The comedian passed away this morning at Delhi’s AIIMS Hospital. Hearing the news of the comedian’s demise, his family as well as the fans are in mourning. Let us tell you that when Raju was struggling with his life and death in AIIMS, many times rumors of his death had surfaced. Then Raju Srivastava’s wife Shikha Srivastava appealed to the people not to spread such news and said that such news breaks their heart. Along with this, he had expressed the hope that Raju would definitely win in his battle. However, now it is a matter of misfortune that Raju, who made everyone laugh, is no longer among us. Everyone is saddened by his death. Recently, while talking to ETimes, Raju Srivastava’s wife Shikha Srivastava had said that Raju will get well soon. We have full faith in him as he is a fighter, he will definitely win this fight and will co...
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